Tuesday, March 1, 2011

i love you mommy

"I love you William!"

"I love you Mommy!"

"Did you have fun with Caleb today?"

"Yes, mommy."

"Were you a good boy today?"


Sometimes I'm sad that my baby boy is growing up so quickly, but I love, love, love that I can have actual conversations with William now.

I picked him up from Ba Chi's house today and he was in such a chatty mood that it was nice to turn off the radio and just listen to my son's chatter. He told me he loved KK (Kailyn), Em (James) and Caleb.

I asked him if he was hungry and he said, "No I ate rice today."

I didn't want James to feel left out so I'd say, "I love you James!"

And William would chime in, "I love you James!"

Our wonderful conversation unfortunately only lasted about two miles before he fell asleep on me. I didn't mind though, I kept the radio off and listened to my babies snoring.

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